The Level 1 Award in Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chains is aimed at learners who want an introduction to the Logistics and Supply Chain industry and who are at pre-employment level.  You may have been long term unemployed and looking to start a career within the industry or you may have left school or college recently; either way this qualification will provide a progression route to higher level qualifications that have been designed and recognised by employers.

For more information read the [Download not found]

If you are interested in this qualification please contact [email protected]


Regulator Ofqual
Qualification Framework
Qualification Reference Number 601/5154/7
Qualification Level 1
Credit Value 6 credits
Guided Learning (Hours) 30 hours
Duration Completion within 2 years
Structure 1 Mandatory unit
Age Groups pre-16, 16-18, 19+
Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements, however, in order to benefit from undertaking the qualification you should at least possess communication skills sufficient enough to allow you to meet the assessment requirements.

First Date for Registrations December 1, 2014
Last Date for Starts July 31, 2019
Delivery Staff Requirements

The assessment qualification is not required in order to deliver this qualification

The internal quality assurance qualification is not required in order to quality assure this qualification

See the qualification specification for further guidance relating to delivery staff competency requirements

IOEE Studying Membership Eligible
SFEDI Directory Eligible
Registration Fee Download Fees and Prices List

Learner Support

You will have an initial assessment with your learning provider where any individual learning needs you may have will be reviewed and appropriate support put in place, then you will attend sessions with your learning provider allowing you to gain the skills and knowledge required to produce a portfolio of evidence demonstrating your learning and achievement against the requirements of the qualification.


Below you will find further details relating to the qualification and also the necessary paperwork for your approved centre to add it to your centre offer. If you require further information or would like guidance please contact the SFEDI Awards Customer Service Team who will be more than happy to help you.

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