
Learners at The Sheffield College
Left to Right: Marie Silbourne (Course Tutor), Lesley Hollingworth, Louise Reader, Ally Makin and Lauren Hart.
Four women have had their working lives transformed by a course at The Sheffield College which has given them the tools and confidence to make their businesses a success.

The SFEDI Awards Level 2 Certificate in Preparing To Run Your Own Business gives students the practical know-how to develop their business idea, gaining hands on advice in marketing, finance and sales to make it a success. The course, which runs two days a week for eight weeks, is free to people who are unemployed and who have a business idea that they need support with developing. Candidates are referred to the course by Jobcentre Plus.

Read the stories of each of the four women here: http://sfediawards.com/centre-information/case-studies/

Marie Silbourne, Course Leader, said: “It’s been very inspiring and rewarding taking students through the course. They are often very knowledgeable about their area of interest but need the tools to turn that expertise into a long term
business. The course creates an environment where people can develop their idea at their own pace and benefit from peer to peer mentoring.”

Ruth Lowbridge, Chief Executive of SFEDI Group said: “We want people to feel that the desire to set up their own business can become a reality with the right support and training. The course leaders at The Sheffield College are doing an amazing job at supporting their student’s business plans and giving them the tools to succeed. We would now encourage them to source a business mentor that can support them as they develop and grow their businesses.”

For details about this and similar courses at The Sheffield College call 0114 2602600 or find a SFEDI Awards Centre near you.

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